It’s time to challenge the narrative of service before self and normalize caring for mental health in the workplace together.

At Roots in the Clouds we use a human-centered approach grounded in mindfulness and storytelling to normalize mental health in the workplace, heal occupational and organizational trauma, and help mission-driven organizations and their staff flourish by:

  • Building trust and psychological safety within their teams and the organization

  • Bridging the gap between the individual and the larger collective with compassion and empathy

  • Integrating staff well-being needs into policies that support mission performance

  • Ensuring a holistic duty of care is woven into the fabric of organizational culture

  • Aligning head, heart, and metrics to work together for mission success.

You need proven strategies and thoughtful guidance as you work to normalize and address

occupational mental health challenge and trauma, heal root issues, and create long-term

and sustainable change and growth through human-centered cultures that support rest

and recover and foster shared purpose and commitment.

We work with senior leadership teams who are ready to align their organizational values with desired culture shifts, addressing individual and systemic levels of change to cultivate and integrate equity, connection, well-being, and belonging into the fabric of organizational culture.

Working together we create personalized “blueprints” for organizational change by helping leaders create brave spaces where everyone can come together to have honest conversations and recognize that we all have a role to play in changing the systems we’ve inherited, and rebuilding something new in their place.

We support organizations and senior leadership teams with the following:

  • Creating a personalized culture plan for increasing employee engagement, well-being, development, and outreach

  • Planning and facilitating workshops focused on human-centered leadership: helping leaders develop a non-judgmental awareness of their own biases and subtle acts of exclusion (microaggressions) and how they impact organizational culture and leadership, building emotional intelligence and relational skills, psychological safety, and effectively leading through times of crisis and uncertainty.

  • Conducting an Organizational Trauma assessment

  • Creating customized “blueprints” for addressing systemic inequities and integrating diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) into the fabric of the organization’s culture

  • Facilitating customized guided story-healing circles

  • Scaling human-centered leadership development through our signature True North Leadership Program

Our customized, well-rounded, and practical programming converge at the intersection of leadership, culture and belonging and will move your organization from discovery and awareness to action and impact.

Want to learn more about how we can support you on this journey?